Assalamualaikum (wbt) and Salam Sejahtera. We are grateful to Allah (SWT). the Magnificent and the Most Merciful, for His Blessings and Bestowing us the opportunity to witness the UCSF 3rd Convocation Ceremony today. The world today, as we all know is exposed to various challenges due to simmering geopolitical tensions, increasingly fragmented regional economies, with disruptive technology and deepening economic complexity driven by AI. To surmount these challenges and develop a united, happy and prosperous society in a sustainable manner, UCSF graduates must be innovative, embrace continuous learning and keep abreast with development issues at the international, regional, national and state level. UCSF was established specifically to meet the aspirations of the people as well as the state, and the nation-building agenda.
UCSF is one of the only institutions of higher learning in our country that has deliberately laid the foundations to produce intellectuals, theoreticians, technocrats and professionals in development studies. To complement the above measures, UCSF has established a Centre for Development Studies (CDS) with threefold missions: firstly: undertake research and analyses of geopolitical, economics and technology development at the international and regional level having significant implications to Sabah, and Malaysia generally. Secondly, to carryout basic, theoretical, advanced, applied and policy research on development issues relevant to all stakeholders; and thirdly, providing guidance to all stakeholders regarding academic and human resources, in support of the human capital requirements of Sabah Maju Jaya and Malaysia Madani agenda.
UCSF graduates are primed to play important role in Sabah, and Malaysia, allowing us to enjoy the fruits of our Independence. Our voice will only be heard if our country is united as an independent, sovereign nation, with competent and capable citizens, enabling us to exercise our rights and responsibilities towards addressing global challenges for a better world. To prepare for this noble role, UCSF believes in developing a healthy and confident individual in a holistic manner, physically, mentally and spiritually, as well as resilient, caring and disciplined. UCSF is also instilling a culture of intellectualism driven by active inquiry and critical thinking, professionalism, and integrity based on universal human values. For all of us to succeed in this challenging world, we must also have a mastery of English or any other international language. Within the Asia Pacific and Southeast Asia region, proficiency in Mandarin, Malay, Japanese and Korean would be an asset. Apart from Malaysia, Malay is widely spoken in Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei and the Philippines. In Sabah, you should in addition, master at least your respective mother tongue.
All the parents attending today’s Convocation must be proud and delighted to witness the success of their children. Their sacrifices and perseverance in nurturing and educating their children are indeed not in vain. Graduates should realise that without the support and encouragement by your parents, you may not be where you are today. The dedication of every parent for your success is indeed immeasurable. Therefore, their sacrifices, perseverance and selfless dedication should be reciprocated. I wish to congratulate all the graduates for having successfully completed your studies at UCSF.
I also wish to record my appreciation to academic staff under the able leadership of the Vice Chancellor, Dr Rafiq Idris for their dedication and motivation to ensure the students success. Finally, I also wish to accord our heartfelt appreciation to the State Government under the leadership of YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Hj Hajiji Hj Noor, our Chancellor; YB Datuk Ghulam Haidar Khan Bahadar, Pro-Chancellor and Sabah Foundation Director, all members of Uni YS Board of Directors and UCSF Board of Governors for their invaluable support to make where UCSF is today.