Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah SWT I am very honoured to be a part of a very auspicious event of University College Sabah Foundation (UCSF). I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartiest congratulations to all the graduates who have successfully completed their respective studies and to all the academics and “warga” UCSF for their dedicated efforts to ensure the students’ success.
As the Chief Minister cum Chairman of the Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees, I am happy and proud that UCSF, in just a period of 4 years, is able to produce graduates in various emerging fields of studies. It is most heartening as well when I am made to understand that most of these graduates are working or doing their own business. Sabah, most definitely needs knowledgeable, multi-skilled and 21st future proof graduates to further realise the state’s vision towards becoming an advanced state, in the global arena, that strongly practice sustainable development.
Being a new model Green University I hope UCSF will continue to make the global green agenda and making the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) its strong forte, and assist the State in achieving its goal to contribute effectively in Saving Planet Earth from the ever growing concern of a global ecological disaster. As responsible global citizens we should make every effort to making a positive difference.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone, including the various organizations, who had contributed to the success of UCSF’s graduates. Your participation has made Sabah proud.
Best wishes to all, especially to the graduates.
Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Mohd Shafie bin Haji Apdal
Chief Minister of Sabah
Chairman of Yayasan Sabah Board of Trustees