Good morning, distinguished guests, members of the Faculty, professors, my fellow graduates, ladies and gentlemen.
First of all, I want to thank God for this award and for (being able to participate in) our first UCSF Graduation Ceremony 2019. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who make UCSF excellent and well known.
To the Board of Governors, for the wisdom you bring and the vision you laid out, we thank you.
To the faculties, who give your all by giving us the education we deserve and pushing us beyond our limit, to give our best even in the days we felt like giving up. All the while, going the extra mile in building a relationship with us that for some will last for a lifetime. On behalf of the students, thank you.
To families and friends, who were there always by our side giving continuous support during our ups and downs, we thank you and we love you.
I stand before all of you today as a Valedictorian of 1st batch of UCSF Graduates, and to be frank this is one of the most amazing view to see from here as we are not only graduating as UCSF graduates but have taken new roles as an employee, a husband, or a wife and even for some as a parent. I am really proud.
Three to 4 years of brainstorming, we came with dreams and aspirations. Today, we are leaving with even bigger ambitions. All of us had different backgrounds when we entered here but we are leaving as the proud graduates of the same university with a common wish to be successful.
As I say this, I feel a heavy heart. Once we hurl our caps, we will have to leave the comfortable premises of our University and things will change. I still remembered my high school teacher once told us if he could just turn back time, he wished he could go back to his university’s life. Today, I couldn’t agree more. These 3 to 4 years, we have learnt a lot from how to cook everything in a microwave and a rice cooker without setting the hostel on fire, to what we are today. Those were the moments where we learnt about the value of friendship, how to totally stand on our own feet, and the most important thing is we discovered our true passion, and latent abilities, and so, became a better version of ourselves.
Ladies and gentlemen, no one succeeds without the help of others. I met a lot of passionate and inspiring lecturers at UCSF. Although we only met for a few hours every week during classes, they never hesitated to give us a helping hand when we encountered difficulties in our studies.
They even stayed after classes to answer our questions, gave detailed comments on our assignments so as to facilitate our improvement, arranged interesting class activities and visits to add fun elements to the lessons. They have adequately equipped and prepared us to face the job terrain head-on, so that we can fold up our sleeves and say “bring it on” to future challenges.
What exactly have we learnt from our programme? I believe everyone has a different answer. For me, I was a student of Business Administration. But we were not simply learning to make as much profit as possible for sure. UCSF provided a wide range of courses for us to discover the wonders of being a kind hearted human being, one that can help the future of our beloved state, Sabah, especially in fulfilling the state’s aspiration of keeping Sabah green amidst the hustle and bustle of development. For me, I am always passionate about the environment. That is why I chose UCSF, a green boutique university, as it shared my personal belief of the sustainability of our precious state.
Dear friends, it’s time for us to look forward to what lies ahead, unimaginable future that will surely be challenging for us.
I am going to make use of the things I learnt from the past four years and sail to the future. So, I would like to challenge each and everyone of us the Generation Y, to reach for bigger roles in leading the younger generation, at the same time appreciate the moment, to care for the environment and to be aware of the current situation in order to create a better future.
I know it won’t be easy, it’s okay to breakdown and falter because we are human beings with emotions. But remember to get back up. Remember, fall 7 times, and get back up 8. Sometimes we need to take a step back to take a big leap ahead. But remember, always do the right thing even in times where turning back is the only option or even when nobody sees it, because I believe once you did the right thing, there are always blessings that will come afterwards.
So, before I end my speech, I would like to share the word of wisdom given by our VC, DVC and the Dean, during our meeting last week. They said, when you are busy making life, time passes so fast that you don’t see the world passes by. You are too engaged with your career and achievement until at one time you realize; is this all your life’s about? So give yourself a downtime. A time for yourself to do a self-reflection, to appreciate everything around you and most importantly to see the world and what can you do to serve other people. Don’t be too blinded with money and achievements because after all it will not guarantee you for the next life.
So dear fellow graduates, often on graduation ceremony we’ll look outside for heroes and inspirations but you know what? Those closer to us are the heroes and give us much inspiration. We don’t need to look out for an inspiration because each and everyone of us has the potential to inspire others by being true to our self-values and by committing our life goals because, at the end of the day always remember, “we reap what we sow”.
To show our earnest respect and appreciation;
May I ask you to rise and look towards our family on the right. Please bow to thank them of their sacrifices to put us first before themselves.
Now, turn to your left, and bow as respect to the academicians who gave their very best to provide you the opportunity to be able to stand in this hall today.
And finally, look to the stage, and give a bow of respect to our leaders, who made all this happened.
Thank you.