Alhamdulillah, on behalf of the “warga” of University College Sabah Foundation (UCSF) I would like to extend a warmest welcome to everyone for attending to this most auspicious occasion, and indeed a milestone to UCSF and Sabah Foundation – UCSF’s Inaugural Convocation Ceremony.
The University, as one big family, would like to convey our heartiest congratulations to all the graduating students for their hard work and achievements. This is the moment that everyone has been waiting arduously for when a graduand decided to take on a courageous journey in the realm of higher education. To all of you and your immediate families, today is indeed a day to celebrate victory, triumph and realization of a dream. To the parents and guardians, I commend your sacrifices and hope you will cherish the accomplishments of the graduates!
To our enterprising graduates, you have become part of the elite group within our society who have reached the tertiary level education. As such, we hope you will make use of your new found status and take on the responsibility of driving constructive changes, especially in mentoring and helping those who are less fortunate to make their future brighter and promising. As a UCSF’s graduates, this is a mission that you are more than capable of carrying out.
As educators we would also like to encourage all our graduates to be steadfast in upholding the Green Concept and Philosophy of UCSF. We hope you will be the agents who extend the university’s vision and mission further. And, as one of UCSF’s pillars let us all remind ourselves to keep the lifelong learning culture strong and full of vigour. It is one of the success factors in the challenging 21st Century.
Congratulations to all our Graduating Class of 2019! May success fill your life always.
Dr. Mohamed Haleem Mohamed Razi
Vice Chancellor of UCSF