Implication of The Pan Borneo Highway on Gender Interest and Equitable Infrastructure: Case Study in Kampung Rampayan Laut, Kota Belud

About the research
The Pan Borneo Highway project is expected to not merely become a catalyst for the economic prosperity to both Sabah and Sarawak but, also as a game changer; a transformation, believed will bring transformation to both states. It is also expected to produce an multiplier effect to Sabah’s and Sarawak’s economy. This research focuses on the implication of gender interest and equitable infrastructure, in Kampung Rampayan Laut. According to Data Integration for Land Acquisition of Pan Borneo Highway. Rampayan Laut, is on the 11th under the list of the construction project. There are fundamental questions on the implication of this mega project. Is there a possible shift of gender roles among the local populace with the development of this highway? What is community perspective on access to and use of surrounding infrastructure? This research aims to seek the relationship between the gender interest and equitable infrastructure. To achieve this, the main approach used for the study is the qualitative method which include interviews among selected respondents or key informants in order to get a contextual-based answers compared to the quantitative approach that would require numerical data and statistics. The criteria of the elements of the respondents in this study were predefined. This research also involves reviewing past case studies and research. Although The Pan Borneo project could boost economic prosperity to rural areas, create job opportunities and provide new infrastructures to the Kampung Rampayan Laut, the gender perspective in regards to the implication of the project especially among both men and women of this village is questionable. How equal do both men and women gain in economic opportunity? With the development of the project, how sustainable it is to the community? Will the highway provide women better access to public transport than men? And since they are more often affected by crime, maintaining the protection and security of public transport is vital to their well-being and involvement in the workforce.
By. Johan Arif, FDMS, UCSF Sabah
Research Partners/Collaboration & Funds
-Research funded by the Forever Sabah Institute (FSI)
Date of research
5th -8th April 2021