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UCSF advocates lifelong, life wide and life deep learning. As such the Teaching and Learning Factory (TLF) was established as an ancillary arm in 2014. It is responsible for developing and coordinating various educational programmes towards furthering human talent development, especially in the form of relevant short courses. The targeted clients include those who are marginalized, especially among B40 group, as well as those who are driven to keep in sync with the changes and demands of the 21st century. This could be in the form of continuing professional development and upgrading of skills for working adults.

This arm is composed of three (3) components; High Impact Training (HIT), Lifelong Learning (LLL) and Nature Inspiration Art Gallery (NIAG).

1.Lifelong Learning (LLL).
2.High impact training, such as the Program Khas Anak Negeri (PKAN) and
3.Nature Inspirational Art Gallery Social Enterprise.

High Impact Training (HIT)

The programmes focus on providing basic skill trainings for school leavers, especially those who are marginalized as a result of being less academically successful. Most of these students are more artistically orientated. As such the programmes cater towards realizing these talents.

One of the major high impact training programme is the very popular PKAN programme.


Program Khas Anak Negeri (PKAN) is a special programme created in 2015. It is funded by the Malaysian Prime Minister Department (JPM). One part of this programme is for capacity building, to assist Sabahan youths who come from the B40 group. The programmes are designed to impart basic knowledge and skills, especially in the creative industry via short-term training stints. With a strong personal coaching-approach the students not only gain artistic skills, but also are ready to market their products. Thus, they can begin to earn in the gig economy and move themselves out the B40 group.

Since the establishment of University College Sabah Foundation (UCSF) in 2015, it has been actively involved in implementing this programme collaboratively with the Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU) of JPM. As of 2019 some 400 Sabahan youths have undergone these training and majority of them have participated in the growing State’s tourism industry.

The areas of training include:

Visual Art – Painting

Visual Art – Sculpture

Creative Art – Botanic Batik

Art of Photography

3D Animation Creative Film

TV Production – Multiple Camera Production

The programmes offered are aimed at assisting the under-presented and disadvantaged youths to sharpen their skills and interest in numerous fields of interests. As of 2020, UCSF have received RM6.6 million in funding to train more than 400 trainees.

As evidenced by the multitude of programmes and courses on offer, UCSF have demonstrated its commitment in being a strong advocate of life-long learning.

These 6 months short-term programmes have provided the B40 youths the opportunity to leverage on the natural assets and diverse cultural heritage of Sabah, inspiring them to create beautiful artifacts.

With the years of experience working with these youths UCSF is always open to collaborate with local as well as international partners focussing on community development or poverty eradication. The main mission is to assist in creating a level field and a better future for Sabahan deserving youths in the creative industry.

Presently, these programmes are fully-funded where the participants are given 6 months of comprehensive training, with accommodation and allowance provided. Although there is an annual quota, they are open to any youths who fulfil the following requirements:

1) Participant is a Malaysian citizen holding a bumiputera or Anak Negeri Sabah status;

2) Interested in creative and art courses;

3) Aged between 17 to 35 years old with 3M ability ( reading, writing, counting);

4) The participant’s family is recognised as B40 or registered under E-kasih programme

Bekas pelatih Residential Programme, Elza Emerald dan Cynthia Scarlett Simon

Bekas pelatih Residential Programme, Elza Emerald bekerja sebagai Pembantu Studio dan Cynthia Scarlett Simon pula belajar di peringkat Ijazah di Sabah Institute of Art selepas mengikuti kursus latihan. Mereka bergerak secara freelance melukis mural bersama pelukis-pelukis Sabah.

Gambar-gambar ini adalah projek mural mereka di Kinabatangan. Semua perbelanjaan (tiket penerbangan,makan dan penginapan ditanggung.

Mereka dibayar sebanyak RM10,000 secara berkumpulan untuk projek ini.

Bekas pelatih Residential Programme, Elza Emerald dan Cynthia Scarlett Simon

Bekas pelatih Residential Programme, Elza Emerald bekerja sebagai Pembantu Studio dan Cynthia Scarlett Simon pula belajar di peringkat Ijazah di Sabah Institute of Art selepas mengikuti kursus latihan. Mereka bergerak secara freelance melukis mural bersama pelukis-pelukis Sabah.

Gambar-gambar ini adalah projek mural mereka di Kinabatangan. Semua perbelanjaan (tiket penerbangan,makan dan penginapan ditanggung.

Mereka dibayar sebanyak RM10,000 secara berkumpulan untuk projek ini.

For registration or inquiries on any of the short courses, kindly reach us at:

Norasrine Abdul 019 – 537 6691

Evelyn Kait 014 – 283 8105

Norcy Belly 014 -354 1427

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