University College Sabah Foundation (UCSF) and Lok Kawi Wildlife Park (THL) Edu-Tourism programme

About the Event
On 26 March 2022, the IBS was involved as the Secretariat of the Edu-Tourism Programme in Lok Kawi Wildlife Park. The event was co-organised by UCSF and the Sabah Wildlife Department. The objectives of the programme are to give exposure to the students towards the conservation efforts and environmental sustainability management; inculcating the value of appreciation towards biodiversity; encouraging volunteerism as well as supporting the State Government’s Environmental Education Policy. The programme has benefited 20 students from the four UCSF faculties and 11 UCSF staff, some with their family in the one-day event.
Lok Kawi Wildlife Park
Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment Sabah (KePKAS)
26th March 2022