GREAT Reasons to Study at UCSF

UCSF academic programmes and day to day operations are founded upon our Green Concept and Philosophy. We develop human talents, conduct research and activities that will contribute to the achievement of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals 2030, and, thereby, help create a world and future worth living in.

UCSF academic programmes are relevant to the needs of the 21st century. These are established under a quadruple helix framework with inputs from the government, industry, academia and civil society. At UCSF you will be trained not only in specific professional skills but also in the necessary soft skills.

The 21st century digital and gig economies require an entrepreneurial and enterprising mindset. At UCSF these skills are taught regardless of your major discipline and you have the opportunity to participate in the university’s incubators such as the café, art gallery, and recreation centre.

Solving many of the world’s problems requires responsible and ethical global citizens. The values needed are inculcated through our academic programmes and activities. You will be coached in how to be responsible to yourself, fellow humans, the environment and the planet. ‘A’ also means artistic, and at UCSF you will have the opportunity to indulge your interests in the arts, from Fine and Visual Arts to the Performing Arts.

At UCSF, we not only nurture your talent for the here and now through our academic programmes. Beyond that you will be imbued with a passion for lifelong learning. This is very important because in the 21st century one’s skill sets need to be continuously updated in order to remain relevant and competitive.